Summertime can be tough for tutors. Some of us suffer from lower demand when school is out of session, while others find our calendars full to bursting because of expanded student availability.
If your problem is that you are too busy this summer, congratulations! September will arrive before you know it 😉
If, on the other hand, your steady stream of tutoring income has dwindled to a trickle in the heat of July, consider five ways to put that free time and energy to good use for your future practice. This week’s focus should be on taking care of your most essential worker: yourself.
- Read anything that strikes your fancy.
- Either begin a steady exercise habit or change things up for variety.
- Evaluate whether your nutritional choices support sustained health and energy.
- Connect in person or online with other tutors.
- Daydream about your fantasy tutoring practice; take notes.
Downtime may seem depressing in the context of 21st century hustle culture, but a slow month or two can cure a great many ills incurred during a long school year. Take care of yourself now, so that you’ll be able to take care of your students later!
— Mike Bergin
Tutor Tastemaker
Michael Gibben is a coach for tutors and private tutor based in Ontario, Canada who primarily focuses on tutoring Grades 1-3.
What are three resources your practice depends on?
Zoom, K5Learning, and IXL
What is one more resource you strongly recommend?
Learning A-Z
What is one insight every tutor should hear?
As a tutor, to paraphrase Dr. Rita Pierson, first seek to understand rather than be understood.
Tutor Tips, Tools, and Thoughts
Tutor Self-Care
The insights from this Summer 2020 Summit panel on the importance of self-care for tutors are as fresh now as they were then.
How to teach your brain to reframe negative thoughts
Overcome negative thoughts about yourself, your students, and your prospects for success before they become self-fulfilling prophecies.
The Full Measure of a Teacher
How do you measure your impact as an educator?
What Does Sitting Really Do to Your Body?
Many tutors sit too much. What can you do to protect your health?
Are you a perfectionist?
Emily Kircher Morris explores the three different flavors of perfectionism in a TikTok.
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