Tutor: Get Involved

Welcome to the first week of 2023. How is it working out for you so far?

I shared a bit last week on how to make resolutions take root. Now, I’d like to clarify why I find resolutions so powerful. The idea of committing to radical change based on an arbitrary calendar system seems trite, and perhaps January 1 isn’t any more magical than any other day of the year. But when you resolve to do more of one thing or less of another as the ball drops in Times Square, you are acknowledging–perhaps for the only time in a given year–who really has the power to change your life for the better.

Your resolutions place the responsibility for action where it belongs–on YOU.

I know what I want for Chariot Learning in 2023 and have already taken concrete steps this year to make those goals a reality.

Amy and I know what we want for the Tests and the Rest podcast in 2023 and have already taken concrete steps this year to make those goals a reality.

I and the rest of the Board of Directors know what we want for the National Test Prep Association in 2023 and have already taken concrete steps this year to make those goals a reality.

What do you want to accomplish? How are you going to make those goals a reality, and how are you going to expand that sense of accountability to concerns beyond your own immediate needs?

I’ve long supported the philosophy of being the change you wish to see in the world, but that doesn’t sound active enough; you’ve got to reach out and take action. So write down your real goals for this year right now, and get to work on moving those goals forward in concrete ways each week…

If you want to join a professional organization that can both help you be a better educator and a better businessperson while improving the state of your industry, hit me up.

If you want to pitch a podcast topic or promote your service or product on Tests and the Rest, hit me up.

If you want to bring your SAT or ACT business to the next level with a modular professional curriculum, hit me up.

If you just want to get some advice from someone who’s experienced success in for-profit teaching, tutoring, and test prep for nearly 30 years, hit me up. Seriously, here’s a link to the Contact form.

Whatever you do, recognize that your direct action is the surest path to every change you want to see in yourself and the world. Get involved… the world is run by those who show up.

— Mike Bergin

Tutor Tips, Tools, and Thoughts

5 Ways to Cultivate a Beginner’s Mind
Tutors should never lose the humility of being a new learner.

How to Be More Referrable (as a Freelancer)
Being referrable = being busy

Helicopter Parents Are Last Year’s Model
Behold the newest breeds of over-parenters.

Effect Sizes and the 10-Foot Man
Or why educational research results need to be considered very carefully.

Schools Are Spending Big Bucks on Online Tutoring. Here’s What They’ve Learned
Has high-dosage tutoring been a game changer?


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