Tutoring may be one of the most common yet least understood professions on the planet. No student completes his or her education without working with–and possibly as–some kind of tutor. Free or paid, formal or informal, tutors are everywhere.
Why, then, do we know so little about tutoring as a profession? According to public US Government data aggregated by Data USA, only 190,000 individuals worked as tutors in the United States in 2019, although other sources suggest far larger numbers. Nearly two-thirds of tutors were female, and the average age was 31. Surprisingly (or not) the average tutor earned $11,763, which is just 21%–little more than one-fifth–of the average national salary.
How much of this sounds like what you know about tutors?
How much of this sounds like you?
After nearly 30 years as a professional private educator, I’ve seen all kinds of tutors making all kinds of money helping all kinds of students with all kinds of subjects. One of the guiding purposes of Tutor: The Newsletter will be to highlight the wide diversity of backgrounds, philosophies, and practices of tutors today. We’ll also focus on sharing the tools, tips, and thoughts that make tutoring more effective, enjoyable, and profitable. I invite you to join us as we explore the intricacies of individual education and to let me know what aspects of tutoring matter most to you.
— Mike Bergin
Tutor Tastemaker
Amy Seeley is an educational entrepreneur and podcaster based in Cleveland, OH who focuses on ACT, SAT, and HSPT prep.
What are three resources your practice depends on?
1. The official guides created by College Board and ACT.
2. All officially released tests from the ACT (TIR) and SAT (QAS).
3. Membership in the National Test Prep Association
What is one more resource you strongly recommend?
Mathchops, mathchops, mathchops!
What is one insight every tutor should hear?
You do not create excellence in a vacuum. Learn from your colleagues. They aren’t necessarily your competition; they are your resource.
Tutor Tips, Tools, and Thoughts
The Pros And Cons Of Being A Tutor
Did you start tutoring in college? How many of these reasons speak to your experience?
The One, Unique Attribute That Will Attract Clients To Your Consulting Firm
Replace “consulting” with “tutoring” for some excellent advice about positioning yourself and your practice.
Teacher burnout hits record high – 5 essential reads
Did you teach in a school this year? If so, these reasons may sound familiar.
4 Things to Consider Before Adding a New Service to Your Company Offerings
Whether you’re in construction or education, adding new services requires serious consideration.
Math Aids
Math-Aids.com provides free randomly and dynamically generated math worksheets.
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