If you operate in the for-profit education space as a test prep provider or subject tutor, you need to consistently connect with new potential clients. The old methods of local marketing like flyering and signage don’t work as well as they used to. That’s because clients do most of their initial test prep and tutoring shopping online.
According to research undertaken by Google, 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information. Plus, these local searchers take action: 50% of consumers who conducted a local search on their smartphone visited a store within a day, and 34% who searched on a computer or tablet did the same.
Thus, even traditional brick-and-mortar tutors need to be easily found online by potential clients in their immediate vicinity. That’s why we’ve created the TestBright Test Prep and Tutoring Directory that lists providers by state and county. TestBright is a trusted brand as the source of free, expert, independent answers to parent and educator questions about admissions testing. This site is also the home of the Tests and the Rest podcast. Naturally, parents and counselors see TestBright as a trusted source of information about test prep and tutoring options.
Another reason to list your test prep or tutoring organization or service here is that we invest more than 50% of all listing fees into promoting the site. Every listing drives directory awareness and authority.
GETTING LISTED IS EASY. Simply fill out our Directory Registration Form and follow up with payment. You can pay for monthly or annual listings by county. An annual listing delivers 12 months for the price of 10. Rates depend on your classification and service.
Note that densely populated counties will soon be split into appropriate sub-regions, at which time providers will have to choose which regions their initial listings will be assigned to. We are open to guidance from local providers on how to best split these counties.