Are you a teacher, tutor, author, administrator, or entrepreneur in the test prep industry? Are you wondering where to connect and converse with your peers in a social network setting that isn’t riddled with spammers, scammers, and leeches?
You’re looking for the Test Prep Tribe!
The Test Prep Tribe is a closed test prep industry Facebook group sponsored by TestBright as a safe space for all test prep professionals to network, ask questions, and share relevant professional information. The Test Prep Tribe is also one of the best ways to find out about upcoming Tests and the Rest events, online summits, and other opportunities.
If you work in SAT or ACT prep, high school prep, grad school prep, state and national academic test prep, or any other flavor of test preparation in the United States or around the world, you’re probably starved for authentic communication with other professionals who do the same things you do. At last, you’ve found your tribe!
Joining Test Prep Tribe is both free and easy. Visit the Facebook page and complete the application in full, including your email address, affiliation with the industry, and referral source. Genuine test prep professionals usually receive access within 24 hours.
And if you’re looking for even deeper access to opportunities, engagement, and professional development with leaders in test prep and education, join Tribe Insider…